Holiday and Planned Closures
All classes will have the following dates off in the 24/25 Season
Thanksgiving: November 27-29
December Holidays and New Year’s: December 20 - January 1
Oregon Spring break March 21-28 . We do not close on other HRSD closures.
Memorial Day, Labor Day and Independence Day (open other Monday holidays)
Our regular season ends June 20, 2025
There may be additional times in the year when a class will be rescheduled or make-up class offered as a substitution due to illness or inclement weather. We have a tiny staff!
Refund Policy
Empowered Movement Aerial provides absolutely no refunds. You can pause or cancel your membership but we will be unable to hold your space in class.
Students must cancel their membership one week in advance of autopay processing in writing.
All students consent to auto pay, which charges monthly on the first of the month unless they are enrolled in a trial, workshop or camp which payment is due in full.
Summer Camps
We do not offer refunds. We are a small nonprofit and unable to offer any refunds after April 15 due to the extremely limited space of our camps. We fill all of our camps by Mid-March and few people sign up after that so please choose wisely. If we are able to fill the spot, we are happy to refund your fee less a $50 admin fee which pays for the time it takes us to advertise, reverse charges, charge the accounts and contact parents.
If your student is sick the week of camp, we are able to offer them drop-ins during the summer to classes that have space or any time during the year to our Saturday 9 a.m. make-up class. If we have a sick absence in another camp, we are happy to add your child if the stars align.
Thank you for understanding what it takes to operate a small nonprofit!
Inclement Weather Policy
Inclement Weather Reminders
We are typically open on snow days. If we do have to close– we have teachers who live rurally and far away–we will contact you directly via email.
If you have any difficulty getting to the studio or choose to not attend a class for any reason, we have a generous make-up policy so you never have to lose time in the studio. See instructions for signing up for our weekly make-up class below. Space is limited to 6 per class so register early!
Make-Up Class Sign-Up Instructions
Saturdays 9 a.m.
–Log-in to portal:
-Click Account→register for a class
–Scroll down to “Saturday All Levels All Ages (8+) Make-up
-Click the box to the left of the class and it will show you specific dates
-Click whatever dates you would like to register for
-Click the black “Submit” box
-Select "Checkout"
-Select "Add to classes"
-You will not be charged if you have make-up classes. We track all absences through our system,.